Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Be smart or get out of America!

In Obama's speech he says that Americans must educate themselves on a higher level of education than just a high school diploma. As oaktownadam from the dailykos argues, Americans should have their own freedom to choose whether or not they drop out of high school or if they go to college or not.
He was mainly aiming at the people of today. What about the people of the past, the parents of the future generation? What about them? Not all of them completed college and not all of them even finished high school. What should Obama say about them? What if he was talking about just our generation?
Indeed we do only have Obama's words, and I sure don't trust those words either, but I don't trust half of the things people tell me now a days. Sometimes you just have to take into consideration what people say, even if it does sound insane.
The constitution was built on our own freedoms and right to express those freedoms. One way to express some people's freedoms is the freedom of deciding whether or not they finish high school or decide to go onto higher education. Obama should not be able to force education on people that don't want to higher their education. It would be violating our rights as Americans to pursue our rights under the constitution.
As oaktownadam argues that even though some people do not have higher education or even a high school diploma, it is not always impossible for people to succeed in life without one or both of them. I, myself, do know many people that have dropped out of high school yet still succeed in life. They still can get quite good jobs and have a life and family. Sometimes whats most important in someone's life is not always an education. Like what about the people that get pregnant and have kids in high school? What are they supposed to do? Some can't deal with the trouble of having a kid and completing high school at the same time.
Either way people should have their own individual freedoms and rights to choose whether or not they complete high school and decide to go to college.

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