Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fear drives us all

A classmate of mine recently brought up the fact that fear drives the country. I do too believe that fear will drive us all. If you fear something will happen, you are more likely to try to avoid it. Instead of living life the way you want to and just doing whatever makes you happy. People have become so much more uptight with the things that they do in an every day society. Where as before, no really cared that much. Like if we went back to the 70's, yes, people cared, but no one really cared too much about the consequences. If they were going to protest, then they were going to take it all the way and never hold back. Now-a-days, people care more about the consequences of getting caught. Like, what if i'm involved in the protest... what's going to happen if I get caught? Instead of just fighting for the rights of the people and fighting for what you believe is right. People still have opinions but not as likely to express them because we live in a society based completely on fear! What if everybody lived in fear and no one took chances any more? What kind of society are we trying to create in America? I, myself, would much rather try to live life to the fullest and not care whether I get caught for something. If it's right to me then I might as well do it... A society based on fear is a society that takes no chances and doesn't live life the way they should. I do agree with my classmate, the society is completely based on fear and what is it going to lead to? What is our society going to be like in the next generation?

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