Thursday, April 23, 2009


One of my classmates recently shared his opinion on the war in Iraq. He explains that he does believe we should stay in Iraq. Issues like safety of Iraqi people came up and I do agree that we should make sure the citizens are safe but there's only so much we can do. I mean, we are getting into another country's business and how many of our people are worth loosing to another country's safety? I don't mean to sound self centered when I say things like that but most soldiers now a days have families, they have kids! Do you ever think of their perspective on things like this? In their eyes their dad is away fighting for the country they live in but when they loose their dad what are they supposed to do? In their eyes they just lost their father! He also brings up issues like advancing our weapons, but can't we do that somewhere else? We own so much land, there has to be somewhere else we can do experiments with weapons. The issue about the Iraqi people not being safe and that another country will take their land, well, we could help them set up a way that they wont have their land taken from them and then we could leave. I mean I personally don't really know what to do to make sure of their land but I know we could figure out ideas as a country. I mean aren't our soldiers important? As the author wrote, he was a soldier himself. So wouldn't you be scared? Wouldn't you just want to be back with your family? Most of the soldiers over in Iraq have families with kids! So think of other people than yourself. Think of the Americans that have only lost. Lost their family and their hope.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Marriage or cohabitation?

Many people believe that a couple should live together before they get married. Studies show that people that live together before marriage actually are at a higher divorce rate than those who don't live together before they get married. Cohabitation has become the ultimate alternative for marriage. Which isn't exactly a good thing. In fact, its quite a bad thing. People who cohabit often end up having little or no intention of getting married. People often cohabit with multiple people at different times, which sends the rate of people who will never get married through the roof. Multiple cohabitation s often lead to a failure in marriage once someone actually gets married and often are more aggressive spouses. Children almost always have the worst outcome from cohabited families. So couples who do move in together should have a high intention of getting married or should already be engaged or else the couple is in a very bad position of working out. Living together without being married can also lead to depression. Depression rates among couples who are not married is triple that of married couples. I believe that couples should get married before they move in together. Cohabiting used to be just for the poverty stricken and minorities of the country but in the past thirty years it has become more and more common among young adults. Its amazing to think about what used to be illegal in most of the US is now so common that no one thinks a thing of it anymore. In fact, its still illegal in some states but almost no one enforces the law. So in the end, is it better to cohabit or to get married? Well the decision is yours.