Friday, May 8, 2009

Babies are humans too!!

Many people believe that abortion is O.K. I don't really believe it is, i mean even if it is just a potential human, it is still a human. If two people think they have enough responsibility to have sex then shouldn't they have the responsibility to deal with the consequences of having sex as well?
I do feel that there are some conditions of abortion being alright. Rape is one, considering that would be something that the mother would have to face her entire life if she had the baby. She would end up detesting the baby and not wanting it. So the baby would grow up in a bad condition and probably never know any love from their mother.
If the mom's health is at risk and she would die then i believe it's up to the mother to make the decision on which life she thinks is worth saving... hers or the baby's?
Besides those conditions and maybe a couple more i think that abortion should be illegal. I know teenagers often have sex and get pregnant but i believe that teenagers should go through the pregnancy. Then, after having the baby, they could either give it up for adoption or keep the baby and take care of it. Often times teenage moms cant afford to take care of the baby and believe that just because they cant take care of they baby, they should have an abortion. I think they're wrong. There are plenty of people that would give anything to have a baby of their own but cant have kids. Most of those people look for teenage moms willing to give up their baby to a good home.
The government has made it alright in so many people's heads that its just OK to kill a baby if its not born, its just not right to me! I know things get hard going through a pregnancy but you make the choice to have sex, you should be able to deal with what comes with it!


  1. Abortion is a strong subject to discuss. In my eyes it has positive and negative outcomes. If we illegalize abortion then it would break the constitution. For example, in the Roe v. Wade case in 1973 Roe challenged the constitutionality of the Texas Criminal Abortion Laws. In which they violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment in the Constitution, which protects against state action the right to privacy..." But people today still think abortion should be illegal because your killing Gods creation and if you agree to sexual intercourse then you should know and understand the outcome if pregnancy comes abrupt and be responsible for your actions. For those who aren't ready for a baby should consider adoption, because there are couples who can't give birth to a child. And it's not fair when a teenager can have a baby but choose to kill it because of their needs and wants in life. All I can say if your not responsible for your actions and don't make smart decisions sex is not something you should be doing at a young age other than better yourself in school.
    Between 2006-2008 3,108 women were contacted to give their child up for adoption, an average of 1,034 contacts per year.
    To know more about abortion here are 2 cites to check out.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. When it comes to abortion there is rarely an individual who falls into a gray area of agreeing or not agreeing with it. Someone like yourself either strongly disagrees or they strongly agree. I am one of those individuals who do fall into a category of understanding both sides of the argument. For a long time I was very much pro-life, I felt that who are we to say one can legally kill a child? Then I started researching abortion more and looking on the more political side of the issue. We as women have had many more obstacles then men have ever had or will ever have. They will never know what it is like to face an issue such as this because they physically cannot carry a baby nor have an abortion. To be faced with an unwanted pregnancy is terrifying and sometimes there is no other alternative.
    When it comes to this issue I do call myself pro choice because although I personally will not ever have an abortion I feel that we deserve to have the option if we choice to. It is not breaking the law and in the first trimester when 95% of abortions are done, there is no way the fetus could live outside of the womb. I am not trying to justify my views to you are trying to sway you, but this issue is a political issue and if it could justly be considered homicide then abortion would not be legal. I am thankful that I live in a country where I can decide on issues such as having an abortion. I am also thankful that I live in a society where you too can voice your opinion and make your own choices.

  4. There has been many discussions about the subject of abortion through out the time it was given as an idea. In my opinion, its perhaps a really bad idea to even consider it. At first i didnt think much of it and thought it wouldnt even matter either or. But through my life experience i see that there really isnt a good reason for the abortion. Its a ridiculious idea for people to do what would have been human being. I dont really care what people say when they refer to the fact that the babies didnt produce nerves yet so they cant feel it or what ever, dieing is dieing. But although i do agree with Mieka on the fact that if a woman is forcefully raped, and she becomes pregnant, then abortion is perhaps not a bad idea. Ive considered it a responsibility aswell as mieka stated that if you are willing to take the risk of sex, you should always be prepared for anything else that happens after it. But if something like rape is to happen and you become pregnant, i dont see why the female would be at fault for that.

  5. I see what your saying although, its much more complex than that. There is no selfishness about it. Tons of people around the United Stated engage in sex everyday and use protection so that they don't end up pregnant knowing that they can't afford it. However the protection is not 100% safe there is the tiniest of chances that the woman might end up pregnant. Now if she does end up pregnant and we're talking about two 16 year old kids for arguments sake, then I say it is up to them and more so the mother to have an abortion. More times than not the dad might stick around and by that I mean come and say "Hi" but hes almost let go of responsibility; so it transfers to the woman and what she wants to do. Potentially as well lets say they may have made bad decision with drugs or alcohol the night before and didn't want to have sex then what? Some mothers might not want a child but also would rather not have someone else raise their child and tell them that their mother didn't want them. It is a womans and a couples right to decide on this issue. Aside from the fact of rape there are multiple situations in which a baby can come into this world accidentally or on purpose and not have a fair chance. Any loving parent wants their baby to have the best chance ever and if it is a 16 year old mom who uses drugs or drinks thats not the best start she can do for her baby, other than financially not being stable. Not to mention the long path to walk as far as maturity and life wise to care for her baby. Along with those points it has been said that within the first ninety days it is legal to terminate the pregnancy. Any way you slice this, there are situations in which out of love, or out of shear fear abortion will happen. And in the end it is the parents decision no one elses, and for us to tell them what to do is absolutely out of the question in my books.

  6. Abortion can be a very tricky subject, people feel passionately about their view towards it, and it makes it difficult for them to see the thoughts behind the different views. I personally don’t agree with abortion, because I think adoption is a better option rather than just killing the kid. However it’s the personal experience that could determine your view on the topic, especially for those that were raped, having to think of that scene for the next nine months, and knowing that a living human been is going to be a living memory of what happened to that person. We all know that the pregnancy rates on teenagers are increasing every day. Kids do make mistakes, they get drunk and high and have no clue what’s going on, and “somehow” they get pregnant and most of them are not able to afford a kid. However if abortion is legal, it will encourage them to just go around and do anything without having to deal with the consequences.

  7. I agree with you that babies are human too. If they two parents cannot take responsibility than when they’re having sex they should be more careful. I just don't think it’s the right decision to make. From a religious perspective, many faiths teaches that life is given by a higher power, so it shouldn’t be man’s power to abort the unborn child that hadn’t even came into the life. In my religion, abortion is not allowed which mean that if someone from my religion would’ve got an abortion done than she will get lots of sins for doing what she did. You can hear the heartbeat, and see tiny fingers and toes. God talks about many different ways of taking a life (accidental, etc...) but he continually speaks against the murder of the innocent. An unborn baby is innocent; it is helpless in the mother’s womb. It can just sit there, and helplessly be ripped or sucked out of the mother, and eventually murdered. What has the child done? The poor child is being punished for the crime that he/she hasn’t even done. You never know what a child will be capable of doing when they become an adult. So I definitely agree with your point that abortion is not right.
